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SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool ebook

SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool ebook

SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool. Josh Suereth, Matthew Farwell

SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool
ISBN: 9781617291272 | 325 pages | 9 Mb

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SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool Josh Suereth, Matthew Farwell
Publisher: Manning Publications Company

The idea of a high quality build tool for Scala is indeed simple, but sbt itself is richly-featured and powerful. Com.typesafe.sbt » incremental-compiler » 0.13.8 under Build Tools. To see the packages and classes in Scalabha, run the “doc” action in SBT. SBT in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool è un libro di Suereth, Josh; Farwell, Matthew pubblicato da Manning Publications. For example, dispatch becomes dispatch_2.8.1 for the variant compiled against allows interoperability with users of Maven, Ant and other build tools. This tutorial gives an introduction to building Scala applications… We'll work with SBT, which is perhaps the most popular build tool for Scala. Joshua Suereth and Matthew Farwell discuss SBT (Simple Build Tool) and their new book SBT in Action. Buy Scalatra in Action by Dave Hrycyszyn, Stefan Ollinger, Ross A. SBT in Action is first and foremost a tutorial about effectively building Scala projects. To build against all versions listed in build.scala.versions , prefix the action to run with + . Baker (ISBN: 9781617291296) from Amazon's SBT in Action: The simple Scala build tool. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Sbt in Action: The Simple Scala Build Tool: Josh Suereth, Matthew Farwell: 洋書. SBT in Action (Manning Publications) SBT in Action : The Simple Scala Build Tool (Josh Suereth) at . Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for SBT in Action: The simple Scala build tool at SBT (Simple Build Tool) Build Tool David Galichet (@Xebia) Jonathan Winandymercredi 23 … Full configuration Defined in project/Build.scala : import sbt. SBT in Action: The simple Scala build tool (2015) by Josh Suereth, Matthew Farwell. SBT in Action: The simple Scala build tool [Josh Suereth, Matthew Farwell] on

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